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Monday, December 24, 1990

Mom's Chicken Soup

Recipe Name: Mom's Chicken Soup

Years you've been making it: Since at least 1990

Author / Creator: Suzy

Submitted by: Suzy

1 Chicken Free range

Place in a pot with 1-2 onions coarsley cut, celery mostly leaves but at least three stalks, a pinch of salt, seasonings to include if fresh, thyme, rosemary, and oregano.  A dash of pepper

Cook until the chicken is tender.  Depending on the size of chicken, about 1 hour.  If you over cook the breast meat will be dry.

Remove the chicken and the vegetables, drain and cool.

Dice 1 onion, 2 carrots, 2 stalks of celery.  Add to chicken broth (in the past years I have added store bought chicken broth to give the soup a bolder chicken flavor).

Add additional spices, poultry seasoning, sage, rosemary, thyme, sea salt, pepper but small pinches.

Simmer about 20-30 minutes.

Remove meat from chicken bone and set aside.

My home recipe is to add about 1 cup of uncooked rice, simmer for about another 45 mins, then add the chicken and continue simmering for about 15 mins.

Notes: This is intended to be a soup for healing, colds, fever, flu, fatigue, if digestion is concerned may want to add a pinch of cayenne.

Do not remove the fat except excess from the chicken prior to cooking.  The fat contains a lot of Vitamins A, E, D, K, the other vegetables have a lot of minerals and phytonutrients important for healing.

This makes a very hearty soup which I have always thought good if you are sick.  Even a half of cup gives a lot of nutrients and calories.  If you want a slightly less concentrated soup, cook the rice separately then add at the end.

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