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Sunday, September 1, 2019

Miso soup

Recipe Name:    Miso soup

Story:     Had Miso soup at a couple select oriental restaurants. One location had a miso soup that drew me back again and again.  Finally asked the chef and he explained that he added mushrooms to regular miso soup and he directed me to check out "Allrecipe" online which I did.

Years making it:    Just began in 2019

Author / Creator:    Chuck Whittier modified an Allrecipe by Michelle Chen. Modifications are consistent with the way it's made at a restaurant in Gainesville, Florida called "Liquid Ginger".

Submitted by:     Chuck Whittier


Important requirement.  Must use correct ingredients, Dashi granules or Dashi powder and miso paste are not easy to locate. Available at Asian Markets but not regular grocery stores.

2   Teaspoons Dashi granules or Dashi powder, over filled but not heaping
4   Cups water
2   Heaping tablespoons of miso paste
1/2  cup of tofu, diced in 1/4" cubes
1/3  cup thinly sliced mushrooms, no larger than nickel size
1/3 cup of green onions. Sliced into 1/2" sections also cut down the side so they will separate upon cooking

In a medium saucepan over low heat, combine dashi granules or powder and 1 cup of water and continue stirring until mixed. Add miso paste and 1/2 cup more water until well mixed, increase heat to medium high and add remaining water; bring to a boil.  Stir in tofu. Add the green onions, also add the sliced mushrooms to the soup and continue to boil.  Slow boil for 5 - 10 minutes.  Ready to serve.

 I'm one that likes things quite salty so I have made this quite often increasing the amount of Dashi granules to 3 teaspoons rather than 2 and also increase the Miso to 3 tablespoons rather than 2.  It will make it saltier. 2 teaspoons of Dashi granules and 2 tablespoons of Miso is the correct amount.
Here are a couple choices that comply with the ingredient requirement.  Images follow :

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