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Family Heritage through Recipes

Here you can find a historical representation of our family heritage told through recipes and food.  Our family, as represented by the ...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Russian Tea Cakes

Recipe Name: Russian Tea Cakes

Story:  Grandma / Maka / Mom always made 2 cookies for the holidays - the pecan ice box cookies and Russian Tea Cakes (not sure why they are called that!).  This is her recipe in her own handwriting.

She did not include directions, just ingredients.  I guess she figured we had "helped" her enough to know!

Years you've been making it: Since 1953

Author / Creator: Grandma / Maka / Mom

Submitted by:  Kristy

1 c finely ground walnuts
2 1/4 c flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 lb unsalted butter
1/2 c confectionary sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Bake 400 for 10 min + or -

This recipe follows typical steps
 - Cream the butter, sugar, and vanilla until light and fluffy
 - Add flour and salt (I combine them first)
 - then add walnuts (I use chopped walnuts)
 - Roll dough into 1" (approx) balls, bake for 10-12 minutes - just barely light brown
 - Immediately roll in powdered sugar, Cool completly on a rack
 - When cool, roll again in powdered sugar

Store in container at room temperature

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