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Family Heritage through Recipes

Here you can find a historical representation of our family heritage told through recipes and food.  Our family, as represented by the ...

Monday, March 2, 2020


Image result for cornbread

Recipe Name:  Cornbread

Story:  My family is not really southern but I have lived in Atlanta since 1980 so I consider our family southern. I cook cornbread for so many dishes it is just the side dish that needs to be with almost everything. I have used Quaker cornmeal for years, it is plain cornmeal. All the other mixes do not compare.  I cook mine in a pie pan.

Years you have been making it:  Since at least 2000

Author:  Quaker

Submitted by:  Suzy/Mom

1 cup cornmeal
1 cup white flour
1 Tbs baking powder
2 Tbs sugar
1 egg
¼ cup oil
1 cup milk

Heat oven to 375 degrees.  I usually put a little oil in the pie pan and put it in the oven so when I pour the mix in it gives it a nice crust.

Mix the dry ingredients together; mix the wet ingredients together, then mix both together

Cook for about 20-25 minutes

Sometimes the flour and milk mixture is a little dry so you may need to add a little extra milk
You can add onions or corn to make it to your taste or the dish you are serving.

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