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Monday, March 2, 2020

Bourbon Pickled Jalapenos

Recipe Name:  Bourbon Pickled Jalapenos

Story:  I love pickles, all things pickled.  Around 2014 I was preparing my "menu" for what I was going to cook at the Big Green Egg festival in Atlanta.  I had settled on Brisket nachos, and thought that a good accompaniment would be pickled jalapenos.  I had just recently been given Edward Lee's cookbook Smoke & Pickles, and within that book had one such recipe.  I made a large batch and it was one of the most requested recipes at the festival.  Ever since then, every time I make them people rave about them.

Years you've been making it:  Since roughly 2014

Author / Creator:  Edward Lee with some slight modifications, Smoke & Pickles

Submitted by:  Dustin

1 lb jalapeno peppers
1 1/4 cups distilled white vinegar
1 cup bourbon (I use old grand-dad)
1/2 cup honey
2 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp salt
1 tsp yellow mustard seeds
2 bay leaves

1 - Wearing disposable gloves, slice the jalapeno peppers into 1/4 inch thick rounds.  Transfer to a jar.

2 - Combine the vinegar, bourbon, honey, coriander seeds, salt, mustard seeds, and bay leaves in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.  Simmer for 5 minutes.

3 - Pour the hot liquid over the peppers and seal the jar with a tight-fitting lid, let cool to room temperature, and refrigerate.  The peppers will be ready in 3 days, and they will keep for up to 2 weeks.

Notes:  Warning, these can be pretty spicy (jalapeno's can vary in heat level quite a bit), but the vinegar and honey balance it out nicely.  No need to use nice bourbon, just something cheap with decent flavor.  I find that although they are "ready" after 3 days, they're the best at about a week.  They also will stay for much longer than 2 weeks, though they'll probably all be eaten before then.

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