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Here you can find a historical representation of our family heritage told through recipes and food.  Our family, as represented by the ...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Southern Brunswick Stew


Recipe Name:  Southern Brunswick Stew

Story:  I never had real southern Brunswick stew until I met the Butler’s family, particularly Forest’s mother Mamie. She would make the stew for him and then when he came to Lake City he had the privilege of seasoning it with spices most importantly cayenne pepper. Their family liked it very HOT. Over the years I would watch her make it and then would eat it. Eventually I taught myself the family recipe.  Nothing was ever written down until last year when Dustin started to ask for recipes so I have figured out the Butler’s family recipe. the ingredients and portions. Also this is a time intensive recipe at least a two day process

The recipe I have created makes a large amount of stew so you could probably cut things in half. But from Fall through Winter Forest and his family could practically live on this stew.

Years you have been making it:  Since about 2013

Author: Mamie Butler

Submitted by: Suzy, Mom

1 lg chicken
Half a stalk of celery, particularly the leaves
1 lg onion quartered
2 cloves of garlic

3 16 oz. Jack Daniels Pulled pork
2 cans corned beef
2 pkg. of stew beef about a 1 lb each (if the chucks are large you will need to cut into bit size pieces)
1 package of chicken wings

1 48 oz. Chicken broth
2 lg. cans diced tomatoes
3 cups vinegar
1 ½ 28 oz. of ketchup

2 tsp Cayenne pepper
2 TBS red pepper flakes

1 diced onion
2 bags frozen corn
2 bags frozen lima beans

2-3 potatoes diced (I have not perfected this yet.)

Cook the Chicken in water to cover the chicken with the celery, onion, and garlic for about 1 hr.
Let cool. Remove the chicken and vegetables.  Use the stock for the rest of the recipe.
When the chicken cools remove from the bone.

Use the broth and start adding the other ingredients.
The meat, corned beef, pulled pork, chicken wings, chicken broth, tomatoes, vinegar, ketchup and seasonings.

At this point you will need to separate into two pots
Add one bag of each vegetable per pot.
Simmer at least 1 hr.

At the end add the potatoes and chicken from the original chicken.

Once you add the potatoes and chicken the heat of the stew will cook the potatoes.
This recipe is good for at least 1 week in the refrigerator and good to freeze.
It definitely is a comfort food.
But a must to go with it is cornbread.

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