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Friday, December 25, 2020

Grilled Tuna Marinade, Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette, and Soy Mustard Dressing

Recipe Name:  Grilled Tuna Marinade, Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette, and Soy Mustard Dressing

Story:  This is three recipes in one that all work together to make a fantastic dish.  I love grilled fresh Tuna, especially on a salad.  It is one my favorite healthy meals to make or eat at a restaurant.  Years ago I tried a version of this at a restaurant in Nashville, and have ever since been trying to replicate it.  This is my version that includes a marinade for the Tuna Steak, a Vinaigrette for the salad, and a Dressing to drizzle over the sliced tuna upon serving.

Years you've been making it:  Since 2012 or so

Author / Creator:  Dustin

Submitted by:  Dustin

Tuna Marinade


  • 1 thick fresh tuna steak, the thicker the better, preferably roughly 1.5 in thick and about 1 lb
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 2.5 Tbls soy sauce
  • 2 Tbls lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp zest of lemon (about half a lemon) 
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed /chopped


  1. Mix all of the ingredients together and place in a ziplock bag
  2. Place tuna in ziplock bag and squeeze out as much air as possible
  3. Place in fridge for at least 2 hrs and preferably 4 hrs before grilling
  4. Heat grill (or cast iron pan) on high to 450 F or higher, if you're going for rare you will want the grill very hot to quickly sear each side
  5. Remove tuna steak from fridge and bag and place on grill / pan, sear each side for 2-3 mins per side for Rare, 4 mins per side for med to med rare
  6. Remove from grill and slice thinly against grain immediately

Sesame Ginger Vinaigrette


  • 2.5 Tbls rice vinegar
  • 2 Tbls soy sauce
  • 1.75 Tbls honey
  • 2 Tbls sesame oil
  • 2.5 Tbls peanut oil
  • 1.5 garlic cloves, roughly chopped to help with blending
  • 1 in ginger, roughly chopped to help with blending


  1. Mix all ingredients together and place in a blender until pureed
  2. When ready to serve, dress lettuce with Vinaigrette
  3. This will last in the fridge for weeks

Soy Mustard Dressing


  • 2 Tbls Dijon mustard
  • 2 Tbls soy sauce
  • 2 Tbls freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 Tbls grated fresh ginger
  • 1 Tbls minced shallot
  • Extra virgin olive oil (2 to 6 Tbls), usually roughly 4


  1. Whisk together mustard, soy sauce, lemon juice and just enough olive oil to make a smooth dressing.
  2. Combine ginger and shallots into dressing.
  3. To serve, drizzle over sliced tuna steaks


I typically serve the sliced tuna steak on a bed of lettuce (tossed in the vinaigrette), drizzled with the mustard dressing on top, served with some sliced red pepper and pickled ginger on the side.

The marinade is optional, some people like the pure flavor of just grilled tuna (which I also enjoy from time to time), but it does add a nice cohesion between the Vinaigrette and the Dressing.

If you like your Tuna rare like I do, place your Tuna (that is in the bag marinating) in the freezer 30 mins prior to grilling.  This will help ensure the center stays rare while getting a nice sear on the outside.

Once you grill your Tuna, slice thinly against the grain immediately.  This will stop the cooking process and prevent the steak from over cooking.

Picture of sliced tuna:

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