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Friday, December 25, 2020

Mother's Roast Lamb


Recipe Name:  Mother's Roast Lamb

Story:  This is a photocopy of a recipe James' mom wrote.  She put together a book of all of her favorite recipes and the book was distributed to her kids after her death.  James said he ate this throughout his life, at least a couple times a year.  So the recipe is about 50+ years old.

Years you've been making it:  Since 1970+

Author / Creator:  Martha Katz

Submitted by:  Chelsea and James


  • Half / Whole leg of Lamb
  • Garlic cloves
  • Small jar of Dijon mustard
  • 1 cup of strong coffee
  • Instant coffee (optional, see note)


  1. Pierce the skin of a whole or half leg of lamb in 10 to 20 places, depending on size of roast
  2. Insert a slice (1/4) of a garlic clove under the skin in each slit
  3. Slather the entire roast with Dijon mustard (a whole small jar)
  4. Cook in an open roasting pan at 350 for 30 minutes per pound
  5. When half baked, pour 1 cup of strong coffee over the roast (makes dark gravy)
  6. Baste frequently
  7. Add some sour cream to the gravy


James remembers his mom using instant coffee too - coating it on the mustard before roasting.

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