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Here you can find a historical representation of our family heritage told through recipes and food.  Our family, as represented by the ...

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Pico de Gallo

Recipe Name: Pico de Gallo

Story: This is good on pretty much everything.

Years you've been making it: Since 2015 or so

Author / Creator: Dustin

Submitted by: Dustin

  • 6 Roma tomatoes, deseeded, diced
  • 4 jalapeƱo, 3 without seeds, 1 small with seeds, diced
  • 1 white onion, diced
  • Half bunch cilantro, chopped small
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • About 1 tsp of salt

Mix everything together, best when it has sat at least a few hours in the fridge, or overnight

You basically want the same ratio of tomatoes to onions.  Use as much jalapenos (with / without seeds) as you would like, based on how spicy you want it.  Jalapenos that have been deseeded aren't actually that spicy, but the green flesh adds a nice contrast to the tomato and onion.

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