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Sunday, December 25, 2022

Ramen Noodle Soup

Name:  Ramen Noodle Soup  

Story:  This begins as the simple packaged 2 serving Ramen Noodle Soup which sells for as little as 24 cents at Walmart

Years you've been making it:  Since 2019 with continued modifications finally settling as presented herein. 

Submitted by: Chuck Whittier


  • 1 package Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup PIICANTE CHICKEN FLAVOR
  • 2 Tbls Fish Sauce
  • 1 Tbls Crushed Red Pepper Flakes  (Optional depending on the heat level desired.
  • 1 Cup sliced mushrooms, 1/8 " thick and cut into about nickel size
  • 3/4 Cup of Green Onions sliced into 1/4" sections
  • 2  3/4 Cups Water  

  1. Remove the seasoning packet from the package of Ramen noodle soup.  You may want to break the noodles into smaller sections / pieces. I prefer to break them into 1/2 " square sections of noodles, only one layer each. They fit better on a soup spoon if you break them up.  This is a relatively quick soup to make.
  2. Start by placing about 1/2 cup of water into a pot to be used to cook the soup. Add the seasoning packet supplied with the soup package.  Mix well and add a little more water after seasoning is fully dissolved.
  3. Add in the fish sauce, add in the crushed rep pepper flakes and the remaining water.  Mix well and begin to heat on medium high.
  4. As it begins to heat up you add in the sliced mushrooms and stir frequently.  Once it reaches a boil you need to let the mushrooms boil for 4 to 5 minutes. Set the soup to a medium boil and now you can add the broken up noodles. Break the noodles into 1/2" sections.  You will cook the noodles for 3 1/2 minutes in a medium boil. This should be timed.
  5. You can add the chopped green onions to the soup. If this brings the mixture to below a boil you need to return it to a boil. Let the soup continue to boil for another 2 minutes after adding the green onions.   Ready to serve.

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